Bet- Thanks for sharing that you enjoy my content, and my apologies if the car stop cartoon offended you in any way. It reflects an actual car stop once where one of our officers stopped a couple that left their back pack with party cups and booze on the roof of their car.
There’s a difference between racial profiling and criminal profiling. Our officer stopped the car for weaving (the driver was arrested for DUI). It was night time and while the officer could see the backpack on the roof, he couldn’t see who the occupants were until after he stopped vehicle. In that case, both the occupants were African American. In my cartoon, I made the couple of mixed races, to be a bit more diverse.
Generally, when I draw any kind of “arrest” situation, I avoid depicting people of color (refer cartoon below from another article), because the bias in some readers assume if I was a cop, I must be racist, or a “police profiler.” Which is frustrating, because when I was police chief, I demanded all people be treated with basic human dignity.
Race relations and the role of law enforcement is a touchy subject, and there is much work to be done to improve it. I appreciate your readership, and want to assure you that I try to be balanced and fair in my cartoon depictions.