Danielle- Thanks for reading and sharing feedback. It’s been my experience from nearly 30 years of police work that ALL people are weird. Straight, gay, etc. I’ve seen dysfunction across the board. And I’ve seen beautiful relationships across the board.
Despite how awful Steve may sound in the article, he wasn’t an asshole. He was a good father. He worked hard for his family. But he and Lisa were going through a rough patch. For a while, he took Lisa for granted. Lisa’s family had money and she had options, but she didn’t want to give up on her marriage.
To her credit, she changed her circumstances by changing herself. She got Steve to see that he was taking her for granted. He changed. Life improved, and they are still a family. I found Lisa to be quite inspiring.
As for Joseph Pilates, I’m sure he would have preferred not to be in an internment camp. But instead of wasting away, he took a bad situation and built himself up. He, and Lisa, are proof that we can change our circumstances if we want to. To me, that’s inspiring.
Thanks again for reading.